If you have ordered a premium parameter and/or label customization service, please complete the form(s) by clicking on the links below
Thanks to the “Custom Settings” service, you can personalize certain parameters of your products, such as the avertising period, tag identifiers, transmitting power and passwords.
With the “Custom Label” service, you can personalize the label of the ELA Innovation products you have ordered. Please note that to comply with current regulations, certain points must be respected. To find out more, please read the documents below.
You have placed an order that includes custom settings and/or a custom label.
Fill in the forms received by email*.
The selected parameters are analyzed and validated by our team. A summary document is sent to you for validation.
Validate and return the signed summary document.
Once our team has received the signed document, production begins.
If modifications are requested
*Forms must be filled by a technical person.
You have placed an order that includes custom settings and/or a custom label.
Fill in the forms received by email.
Forms must be filled by a technical person.
The selected parameters are analyzed and validated by our team. A summary document is sent to you for validation.
Validate and return the signed summary document.
The selected parameters are analyzed and validated by our team. A summary document is sent to you for validation.
Need help completing your form? Our technical support team is here to help.
Discover our software development kit (SDK) including microservices, APIs, sample code using these APIs and associated documentation. Also available are code examples compatible with different development environments.
With the Bluetooth Advanced Features option, you can accelerate the deployment of your business solution and guarantee customer satisfaction. This service enables you to customize 100% of the frame of your ELA Innovation beacons & sensors. Configuration is carried out by our factory teams.
Discover our BLE Gateway Web App to configure your IoT network, scan and read your BLE devices in real time, view and download their data and send commands. This Gateway is ideal for testing ELA Innovation products.
Discover how to monitor, track and secure vehicle fleets using Bluetooth sensors and beacons.
ELA Innovation • All rights reserved
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