BLE Gateway

Designed around the well-known Raspberry PI 4, this affordable Bluetooth Low Energy Gateway is ideal for linking your beacons and BLE sensors to your information system (IS) thanks to its WIFI and Ethernet connectivity.

With its standard interfaces (MQTT, REST API & GRPC), it multiplies tenfold the efficiency of your industrial IOT network by integrating easily into any network architecture, whether local (ON PREMISE) or on cloud applications (SAAS).

Easy to use and powerful, this industrial gateway will allow you to scan and read in real time and simultaneously a very large quantity of BLE devices. You will be able to retrieve data from your sensors or visualize them in chart form, but also send commands and configure your network.

This BLE Gateway includes the software environment as well as the DIN rail compatible industrial case. You already have a Raspberry PI4B and you only want to buy the software environment?

Visit the APP BLE Gateway web page.


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Easy installation


✔ Raspberry PI4B 8GB Hardware Platform
✔ Software
✔ Industrial Housing


✔ Power supply box+5.1VDC
✔ 8GB microSD card
✔ SD card adapter


✔ BLE Gateway Web App


SDK ELA Innovation

SDK & code examples

Discover 1 software development kit (SDK) including microservices, APIs, sample code using these APIs and associated documentation. Also available are code examples compatible with different development environments.

Bluetooth Advanced Features

Bluetooth Advanced Features

With the Bluetooth Advanced Features option, you can accelerate the deployment of your business solution and guarantee customer satisfaction. This service enables you to customize 100% of the frame of your ELA Innovation beacons & sensors. Configuration is carried out by our factory teams.


BLE Gateway & Web App

Discover our BLE Gateway Web App to configure your IoT network, scan and read your BLE devices in real time, view and download their data and send commands. This Gateway is ideal for testing ELA Innovation products.

BLE Gateway

BLE Gateway


Eshop BLE Gateway

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telematic project!

Discover how to monitor, track and secure vehicle fleets using Bluetooth sensors and beacons.

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