Indoor location starter kit - Medium

This turnkey indoor starter kit will allow you to consult in real time and in a 100% autonomous way, the position of people and equipment.

Based on the Mesh technology developed by WIREPAS, this indoor location solution is based on a mesh network of ELA Innovation identification beacons. Composed of a set of beacons that can be mobile or fixed, this bidirectional network allows to emit light or sound signals thanks to a dynamic interaction. ELA Innovation relies on its network of partners to provide you with the IoT platform adapted to your business. It will allow you to consult the position of your mobile beacons and to trigger sound and visual alerts remotely.

Requiring no connection, the battery-powered infrastructure facilitates the deployment of the solution and ensures an extremely competitive total cost of ownership.

Please note that this kit is intended for an informed public with a good level of knowledge in the integration of industrial connected objects. If you want a turnkey solution that is easy to deploy, please order the STARTER KIT Premium (on request).

Kit includes :

  • 25 Blue PUCK ID+ MESH (15 anchors + 10 mobile tags)
  • 25 PUCK HOLDER STICKER holders
  • 1 SolidSens Gateway
  • 1 NFC reader
  • 1 Ethernet cable
  • 3 months’ access to Wirepas’ WNT and WPE tools


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our experts are here for you.

All inclusive solution
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100% secured


✔ 25 Blue PUCK ID+ MESH (15 anchors + 10 mobiles)
✔ 1 Gateway Plug and Play Solidsens


✔ Sensors holder
✔ NFC Reader


✔ 3 months access to Wirepas Network Tool Evaluation (Cloud + PC).
✔ Visualization of the position of the Tags in real time
✔ Visualization of the network status
✔ Import of plans, placement and update of anchors
✔ 3 months access to Wirepas technical support


SDK ELA Innovation

SDK & code examples

Discover 1 software development kit (SDK) including microservices, APIs, sample code using these APIs and associated documentation. Also available are code examples compatible with different development environments.

Bluetooth Advanced Features

Bluetooth Advanced Features

With the Bluetooth Advanced Features option, you can accelerate the deployment of your business solution and guarantee customer satisfaction. This service enables you to customize 100% of the frame of your ELA Innovation beacons & sensors. Configuration is carried out by our factory teams.


BLE Gateway & Web App

Discover our BLE Gateway Web App to configure your IoT network, scan and read your BLE devices in real time, view and download their data and send commands. This Gateway is ideal for testing ELA Innovation products.

Indoor location starter kit – Medium

Indoor location starter kit – Medium


Indoor location starter kit - Medium

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telematic project!

Discover how to monitor, track and secure vehicle fleets using Bluetooth sensors and beacons.

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