Driver identification: Vehicle fleet management

Approximately 50% of companies are projected to equip their vehicle fleets with on-board telematics systems. This adoption aims to enhance driver safety, reduce management costs, and improve overall operating efficiency. Meanwhile, in adherence to Swedish tax regulations, all cars used in a work environment needs to have a driving journal. A detailed log over every trip and information about who was driving. In response to these challenges, Infobric entrusted to ELA Innovation to automate driver identification. To achieve this, 2000 Blue LITE ID Bluetooth beacons were deployed, enabling drivers to connect systematically and automatically to vehicles.
The automatic drive ID solution ensures that we have a driver assigned to every trip and removes both the risk and the work related to manual solutions.
Mathias Uddfors
Approximately 50% of companies are projected to equip their vehicle fleets with on-board telematics systems. This adoption aims to enhance driver safety, reduce management costs, and improve overall operating efficiency. Meanwhile, in adherence to Swedish tax regulations, all cars used in a work environment needs to have a driving journal. A detailed log over every trip and information about who was driving. In response to these challenges, Infobric entrusted to ELA Innovation to automate driver identification. To achieve this, 2000 Blue LITE ID Bluetooth beacons were deployed, enabling drivers to connect systematically and automatically to vehicles.
The automatic drive ID solution ensures that we have a driver assigned to every trip and removes both the risk and the work related to manual solutions.
Mathias Uddfors

The project's participants

ELA Innovation logo
Tag manufacturer
Integrator of IoT solutions
✓ Ensure automated driver identification and login
✓ Capture comprehensive driver activity
✓ Reduce manual efforts and associated risks
✓ Assign drivers to every trip automatically
From a technical point of view, the driver identification solution is based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology with ELA Innovation’s Blue LITE ID beacons capable of being detected by Teltonika GNSS trackers. The seamless integration of these devices is achieved through the configuration process initiated by the driver, scanning the QR-code label using the Infobric Fleet mobile application. Then the user is able to create an account and be given access to the system. The user will be designated as the driver for every journey they undertake, as long as the ELA Innovation Blue LITE ID is carried along. Additionally, choosing between private and business modes is easily accomplished through the Infobric Fleet application.
✓ Enhanced fleet visibility
✓ Precise driver insights without interaction
✓ Accurate & automated driver identification for all trips


IoT platform Infobric driver identification
Infobric Fleet Management IoT platform
Infobric OBD tracker
OBD Tracker (Teltonika FMB001)
✓ Easy-to-install wireless solution
✓ Automated driver identification with no interaction from the driver
✓ Compact, small & cost-effective beacons with replaceable battery
✓ Seamless private/business mode switching
✓ User-friendly for drivers
✓ Enhanced fleet visibility
✓ Precise driver insights without interaction
✓ Accurate & automated driver identification for all trips

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