Webinar 2 : Use case SNCF indoor geolocalisation

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Webinar 2 : Use case SNCF Indoor Geolocation

December 05, 2019 from 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM – Event closed – Replay available in french

Emmanuel Mouton, CEO of Synox and Pierre Bonzom, CEO of ELA Innovation, will present the challenges and results of the MESH indoor geolocation project implemented for the SNCF in less than 3 months.

You will discover how the IoT has made it possible to set up a complete and reliable solution for :

  • Reduce the time spent locating technicians in the event of an evacuation?
  • Optimize the tracking of the teams operating in tunnels and underground?
  • Automate zone entry and exit controls

The key points that will be discussed :

  • The stakes and goals of the project
  • The steps and the implemented solution
  • Customer feedback and project next steps

Watch the replay :

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