Webinar 3 : Focus on the Blue PUCK T EN12830: the temperature recorder dedicated to cold chain tracking

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Webinar 3: Focus on the Blue PUCK T EN12830: the temperature recorder dedicated to cold chain tracking.

February 12, 2020 at 11 a.m. – Event closed – Replay available

During the first webinar you were introduced to the My Beacon line. This time, discover in detail the BLUE Puck T EN12830, Bluetooth Low Energy temperature sensor.

The control and monitoring of temperatures throughout the cold chain are very important issues in terms of the quality of goods. In this context, European regulations require, among other things, that temperature recorders comply with the EN12830 standard and more specifically with the 2018 edition of this standard.

As a wireless sensor manufacturer, ELA Innovation proposes you to discover the Blue PUCK T EN12830, one of the very first temperature sensors on the market having received the last EN12830 certification published in August 2018. This recorder is certified both in terms of its performance and its embedded software, allowing you to meet your legal obligations while securing the storage and transport of your temperature-sensitive goods.

During this webinar, discover the key technical features of the BLUE PUCK T EN12830, making this product the essential tool for temperature monitoring!
If you would like to participate in this event, please register now as seats are limited.

Watch the REPLAY :

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