Webinar 4 : Use case indoor localization of tools in the aeronautics industry

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Webinar 4 : Use case indoor localization of tools in the aeronautics industry

MARCH 12, 2020 FROM 10:45 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. – EVENT CLOSED – Replay available

Discover the feedback on the deployment of a high-precision indoor localization solution within 2 plants of a French aeronautical equipment manufacturer!

Orange Business Services, Quuppa and ELA Innovation met the challenge of deploying a high-precision indoor location solution in just a few months on two aeronautical industrial sites covering several thousand square meters. Discover during this webinar, how they have responded to the challenges and constraints imposed by the customer.

You will discover how the deployed solution allows you to :

  • Secure production lines
  • Optimize tool traceability
  • Reduce time spent locating tools

The following key points will be discussed:

  • The stakes and goals of the project
  • The technical operation of the implemented solution
  • Feedback and next steps of the project

Watch the REPLAY :

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