Webinar 13: How can indoor geolocation optimize management of a 600-pallet warehouse?

Reading time

4 min.


Logistique étagères

In French / replay with English subtitles available

Santos, a French manufacturer of electrical equipment for the food service industry for over 65 years, challenges the management of its spare parts inventory.

In just 45 minutes, find out how Santos entered 4.0 Industry head-on, thanks to Orange Business’ Smart Tracking IoT solution, based on Wirepas technology and integrating tracking tags from ELA Innovation.

« Pallet search time has been reduced from 15 min. to 15 sec.»

Isabelle BODAR, Production Manager, SANTOS

In the agenda :

  • The client’s issues and needs
  • The solution and its technical operation
  • Equipment and infrastructure
  • Results after 1 year of use


What is the reception rate when a tag is in an underground environment and/or in the presence of a Faraday cage?

Wirepas technology is used in tunnels and mines without radio problems. For the Faraday cage, there are possibilities with remote antennas if the cage is really completely enclosed.

How do you determine the number of anchors required? Is there software to calculate anchor positioning ?

To date, there is no known software for calculating the number of anchors required, but an anchor covers between 250 and 400m² depending on the environment. The calculation is therefore fairly straightforward. Once on site, it’s also easy to densify the anchor network as required.

Did you have to adjust the position of the anchors to get them in the right position ?

After a site visit and study of the layout, an initial anchor positioning is carried out. After installation, adjustments in terms of anchor positioning/density can be made according to the accuracy of the ascents obtained. This addition/movement stage is very simple, as the anchors operate on batteries and via wireless connectivity.

Can mobile tags communicate with each other to expand the Mesh network? Can a mobile tag act as a gateway ?

Communications are only between anchors. The mobile tag is considered a non-router in the network.

Can a mobile tag be used for both location and temperature/humidity measurement?

Yes, a mobile tag can send both location data and sensor data. ELA Innovation’s Blue PUCK RHT MESH meets this need.

In an open LOS environment, what is the communication distance between a mobile tag and an anchor ?

The communication distance between a mobile tag and an anchor will be around 100m maximum, to ensure Mesh network performance.

Is a “mobile” location application conceivable ? On a building site, for example, for isolated workers

This solution can also be used to locate people or equipment in motion. In this case, each person/equipment to be located must be equipped with a mobile tag. In the case of a construction site, we recommend equipping workers with a Blue PUCK BUZZ+ MESH tag, enabling the worksite manager to remotely activate audible (buzzer) and visual (LED) alerts in the event of an evacuation plan.

Find out more << Discover the SNCF project  >>


Discover our location tag with LED & Buzzer functions

How often is a pallet’s position updated ?

Position data is sent every 6 hours. In addition, the tags stay tuned to enable the LED to light up. Of course, the frequency of position updates is fully configurable, as required.

On large industrial sites with several warehouses, is it possible to merge visualization across all warehouses ?

This is entirely possible. It will depend on the software solution used.

How did Orange integrate Wirepas’ WNT and WPE? Via Wirepas APIs?

WNT/WPE instances are hosted on Orange servers. A connector on the servers retrieves information from the Wirepas backend and sends it to the smart tracking platform.

What is the overall budget for materials?

The cost is highly variable, depending on the surface area to be covered, environmental constraints and customer specifications. We invite you to visit the Orange Business Smart Tracking website to find out more.

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