Asset tracking: Renault optimizes the management of its packaging chain

ELA Innovation and IER Bolloré have enabled Renault to optimize the management of its packaging chain thanks to a bi-technological indoor location solution (Active DOT RFID and Passive RFID). ELA Innovation brought its expertise in Active DOT RFID technology to locate, detect and log the movements of all logistics equipment. Thanks to the latter, operators save time, make packaging inventories more reliable and obtain real-time tracking statistics. As integrator of the solution, IER Bolloré provided the means to capture location information and called on ELA Innovation to supply the tags needed to locate the equipment.
We appreciated the ease of installation and integration of the ELA tags thanks to their mounting brackets, which allow us to quickly readjust the area according to the needs.
Luc Filizzola
Digital Project Manager - Renault
ELA Innovation and IER Bolloré have enabled Renault to optimize the management of its packaging chain thanks to a bi-technological indoor location solution (Active DOT RFID and Passive RFID). ELA Innovation brought its expertise in Active DOT RFID technology to locate, detect and log the movements of all logistics equipment. Thanks to the latter, operators save time, make packaging inventories more reliable and obtain real-time tracking statistics. As integrator of the solution, IER Bolloré provided the means to capture location information and called on ELA Innovation to supply the tags needed to locate the equipment.
We appreciated the ease of installation and integration of the ELA tags thanks to their mounting brackets, which allow us to quickly readjust the area according to the needs.
Luc Filizzola
Digital Project Manager - Renault

The project's participants

ELA Innovation logo
Tag manufacturer
Integrator - Installer
End User
✓ Locate, detect and log all forklift movements
✓ Calculate the travel time of the packages in the warehouse
✓ Optimizing the packaging chain
From a technical point of view, the solution is based on a set of Active RFID PUCK DOT and Activator Tags. The Activator tag attached to the logistics equipment, activates the PUCK DOT positioned at regular intervals in the warehouse when it enters the field of the latter. The activated PUCK DOT then captures the magnetic field generated by the Activator Tag and sends its identifier as well as that of the Tag to the IoT platform.

This solution makes it possible to locate the PUCK DOT in the warehouse and to record its movements. The tags make it possible to know the point of departure and the point of arrival of the logistic equipment and thus to calculate the time of movement of this last one. This allows the optimization and automation of inventories.
✓ Inventory accuracy Improvements
✓ Packaging line optimization


TAG Activator
✓ Easy to deploy solution
✓ Real-time data feedback
✓ Environmentally adjustable infrastructure
✓ Compliance with health standards for operators
✓ Long battery life of the tag
✓ Inventory accuracy Improvements
✓ Packaging line optimization

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